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Protect Your Future with Powers of Attorney by Home-Trust

A Power of Attorney is a vital legal document that allows you to appoint someone you trust to act on your behalf in case you become unable to manage your own affairs. Whether it is for financial, medical, or personal matters, a power of attorney gives you peace of mind that your wishes will be respected and followed. At Home Trust, we specialize in creating powers of attorney that suit your specific needs and preferences.

What are Powers of Attorney and Why Do You Need Them?

A power of attorney is a written document that gives an individual (called an agent) power to act on your behalf. The scope of that power may be specific to a particular activity (e.g. closing the sale of your home) or general in its application to a whole variety of legal and financial matters. The document can also specify whether the powers will take effect immediately, or upon the occurrence of an event. Powers of attorney generally terminate upon the death of the person granting the power. Also, unless the power is “durable,” it generally terminates if the person granting the power becomes incapacitated. Both financial and medical powers of attorney work this way, yet we use two separate documents.

You need powers of attorney to ensure that your affairs are handled according to your wishes in case you are unable to do so yourself. Without powers of attorney, your family or friends may have to go through a lengthy and costly court process to obtain guardianship or conservatorship over you. This can cause delays, disputes, and stress for everyone involved. By creating powers of attorney, you can avoid these problems and choose who you want to make decisions for you.

What are the Different Types of Powers of Attorney?

There are two main types of powers of attorney: financial and medical. Each type has its own purpose and benefits.

A Financial Power of Attorney allows the agent you choose to step in for you to handle your financial decisions. This includes simple things like paying bills to managing retirement accounts, to large undertakings like operating your small business on your behalf. Your agent doesn’t need to be an attorney, an accountant or other expert, just someone you trust who has a good common sense about these types of choices and is very dependable. Many people elect their spouse or older children to assume this role for them, but you can even hire firms to do this for you. 

A Medical Power of Attorney and Living Will allow the agent you choose to direct and make medical decisions for you when you are unable to do so yourself. Again, this person should be someone you trust and can depend on to carry out your specific wishes, especially if others disagree. A Medical Power of Attorney covers any health-related decision, from routine check-ups to life-saving treatments. A Living Will, on the other hand, details specifically the types of medical treatment you would/would not like in certain situations. The decisions detailed in this document are the ones that are often dramatized on TV medical shows when a character is portrayed in a prolonged coma or requests not to be resuscitated (a DNR). Sadly these scenarios happen in real life all too often when people don’t have these documents in place which is stressful during an already difficult time.

How Can Home-Trust Help You Create Your Powers of Attorney?

At Home Trust, we offer a customized and comprehensive approach to powers of attorney. Our experts come to your home, ensuring a convenient consultation that reflects your unique situation. We assist you in creating powers of attorney that accurately reflect your wishes. We handle the notarization, witnessing, and signing processes with utmost efficiency. We also organize and store all relevant documents in a secure PDF format. We provide legal and practical guidance for you and your agent. We also offer the opportunity for clients to express their reasons for choosing their agent on camera. This recorded statement serves as a personal touch and a way to prevent any potential disputes or challenges to your power of attorney.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Today

A power of attorney is a powerful tool that can protect your future and your loved ones. If you are ready to create your power of attorney with Home Trust, or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us today. We offer a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your power of attorney needs and goals. Text us now at ‪(619) 701-2764 to get in touch with our team.

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